English as a Second Language Classes
Anyone who would like to learn English as a second language is welcome! There will be four types of classes for a non-English speaker: Essentials, Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced.
ESL Classes will start again on Tuesday, January 7, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and Wednesday, January 8, 6-8 p.m., and will continue through April 29/30. Students may enroll at any time. There is a $25 Workbook fee. Students should bring a three-ring binder. There will be free childcare. To sign up for classes click the button below.
Essentials - For those who speak no English.
Beginners - For those who speak little English.
Intermediate - For those who know enough English to "get by."
Advanced - For those who want to improve their pronunciation and accent and feel more comfortable conversing in multiple environments.